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Kaushal 'Exotic Gringo' Karkhanis

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  • Kaushal 'Exotic Gringo' Karkhanis

The Business Traveler’s Guide To Delhi

New Delhi has so much to offer to travellers. Itโ€™s not only Indiaโ€™s political capital, itโ€™s also the economic and financial centre of Northern India. Naturally, this brings in a huge influx of business...

24 Hours in Mysuru: Why it’s my new favorite city in India!

My love for the majestic city of Mysuru was seeded by an unlikely evangelist: my favorite chocolate maker in India...

Dead Sea Jordan: The floating experience

  After a tiring day, i was eagerly looking forward to the ‘floating in the Dead Sea’ experience. Given that our resort was located at the very banks of it – complete with a...

Comfort foods around the world, to ensure you don’t miss home food!

One of the most common questions i get asked as a long term / slow traveller is how i manage to NOT miss home food. I’ll let this post be the answer. Simply put,...

South America Travel Basics: Getting a Yellow Fever Vaccine in Mumbai

Who needs it The popular misconception is that yellow fever vaccination is required to travel to South America or Africa. In reality, one requires it when returning to India, else you may be subjected...

Great Budget Hotels in Bengaluru – Curated Ideas

Pardon my long hiatus from the blog – been working in Bengaluru for the past 3 months and haven’t had any breathing time to sit down and blog properly. To catch up on my...

‘Dali Meets Gatsby’ – a quirky Bikaner experience with Narendra Bhavan

inspired by the eclectic and quirky life of the last reigning King of Bikaner and built atop his actual residence, Narendra Bhawan is perhaps 'Great Gatsby meets Salvador Dali'!

Digital Nomad Secrets: How to find cheap long term stays

How i landed up going bald in Rio is a story for another time ๐Ÿ˜‰ Today, i’m going to sub-let you in on a secret that most nomads and long term (slow) travelers are...

Spotting Flamingos in Mumbai (Airoli): The Easy Guide

i’ve always heard and known about flamingos in Mumbai, and just been lazy about attempting to actually go spot them myself. Until now. The Eastern part of Mumbai – the Dockyards, primarily a Mumbai...

Islands of Thailand 🏝 Koh Samet

What was supposed to be an 'island hopping' plan turned into me deciding to chill and soak in the goodness of Koh Samet island!
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